6 Reasons on why you should become a vegan


Why I have become a vegan

I grew up in a pretty normal German household where eating meat almost every day was a norm. My parents and I thought that you need meat and fish in order to be strong and healthy. As a teen I wanted to be muscular and compete with the other boys in my class and be good at football. So I worked out and ate a lot of protein-rich food like Quark or chicken. However, even back then I was aware of the ethical dilemmas of eating meat and the associated animal suffering. At 16 I was eating vegetarian for two weeks. Yet, in a household where everyone else was eating meat becoming a veggie fanboy was hard. This all changed when I moved out and started my Bachelor away from my parent's house in the Netherlands. Suddenly, there were a lot of students who were vegetarian or even vegan and I became even more aware of environmental issues of different diets. It was back then in 2018 after I watched a talk about the grave impacts of meat, particularly red meat on our planet that I decided to stop eating meat. My first consciously vegetarian meal was a Curry where I intentionally replaced chicken with Tofu. Since then I gradually phased out more and more animal-based products. I was first a pescetarian, then a vegetarian for a year and finally in summer 2020 to the horror of my parents I decided to become fully vegan. Did I regret it? Not at all! And in this blogpost I want to convince you to think about it as well or at least reduce your consumption of animal products.

Reason 1: Increasing ethical awareness

Delicious vegan thai food

By adopting veganism, you begin to question widely accepted societal norms and behaviors, such as specific dietary preferences and stereotypes about strength and masculinity. This shift in perspective is akin to the revelation in 'Soylent Green,' a film based on Harry Harrison's 'Make Room! Make Room!', where a seemingly sustainable food source turns out to be made from human remains, reflecting the desperate measures society might take in the face of environmental and population pressures. This film's ethical dilemma mirrors the often ignored consequences of our dietary choices. Choosing veganism means rejecting the notion that the ends justify the means regarding consumption. It's a conscious move away from the unseen impacts of the meat and dairy industries, acknowledging the suffering of animals and the environmental toll of animal agriculture. Embracing a vegan lifestyle aligns your actions with values of compassion and sustainability. It encourages questioning and changing harmful societal norms, contributing to a movement that respects all life and our planet's health. By going vegan, you're not just making a personal health choice but also advocating for a kinder, more ethical world.

Reason 2: Save the animals

Delicious vegan thai food

The amount of animal lifes killed each year for food consumption is absolutely staggering. According to the United Nations around 80 billion animals were killed yearly for food consumption in 2021. This is more than 10 times the amount of humans living on our planet. Many people of course know that an animal had to be killed for their steak. I cannot really explain how one can say to be empathic, kind and animal-friendly while at the same time accepting that literally dozens of animals had to suffer and be killed for your food. This just saddens me and makes me lose hope in humanity at times. So let me tell you the good news. If you really think you are a kind, compassionate and animal-friendly person, there is a way to align your values with your lifestyle: veganism. Let me tell you how many animals are killed for a vegan diet each year: well I actually don't know for certain. Of course there will always be a dead mouse accidentally getting crushed by a farming machine that is harvesting wheat for example. So it's unfortunately probably not 0. But I can tell you that with high certainty the number of suffering and killed animals is far lower than any other diet. You are not moved yet? I recommend you watch the movie Dominion (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko). This is a masterpiece of a movie showing the immense suffering associated with livestock farming. I just remember that I started crying uncontrollably from this movie and I am quite sure that after watching this movie your appetite for chicken wings is gone.

Reason 3: Save the planet

Nature In addition to saving dozens of animals directly by not eating them you will probably also save as many animals if not more via foregoing the destructive impacts of a animal-product heavy diet. Animals have to be fed of course and this requires large areas of arable land. Thus, millions of square kilometers of forest and intact nature including huge parts of the Amazon rainforest with its huge biodiversity were sacrificed for animal crops. You might assume that fishing is less bad as no crops are required and fish is taken directly out of the sea. However you could not be more wrong. Big fishing nets are usually used that lead to the capture and unnecessary killing of marine life that is not even sold for food consumption. It is estimated that out of every 7 caught marine species only one marine species is eventually eaten. And we haven't even talked about the impacts of livestock farming on groundwater pollution, water consumption and climate change. I believe that everyone who cares about our planet should seriously think of reducing animal product consumption.

Reason 4: Boost your health

"Ok fair it's good for the animals and for the planet but what about me?" you might ask. Good question. Going vegan may in fact also have a lot of health benefits. Studies have shown that vegans have a lower BMI, less chances to develop lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes or Heart disease and it may potentially also lead to a lower mortality rate meaning that vegans may live longer. A vegan diet usually consists of many fruits and vegatables which are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If planned correctly and assisted with the right supplements a vegan diet will provide you with all the micro- and macronutrients that you need. An essential component of the typical vegan diet are soybeans which are used in Tofu or Tempeh. Soybeans have particularly many health benefits as they have shown to decrease the risks of various cancers, prevent osteoporosis and lower the risk of heart disease. So being selfish is not a good counter argument to the vegan diet.

Reason 5: Reach new fitness heights

"Well no Diabetes and Heart Disease is good and all but I wasn't too scared of that anyways" you might say now. Well good for you. You are probably still as young as me and you think that aging is something for boomers. Let me tell you first that health and physical deterioration starts early and can build up over your lifetime so you should care a lot about your health even in your 20s. And these health benefits will also turn into fitness benefits that may give you the edge over competitors in your sport. For one, it is easier to reach an athletic, lean body as the lower calory density of the vegan diet coupled with an adequate intake of vegan proteins will just cause your body to melt kilos. A vegan diet will also lead to a faster recovery phase after a workout and a lower susceptibility to illnesses! So next time you run a marathon or prepare for the upcoming season switching that steak for a delicious Tofu curry may just be the most important change.

Delicious vegan thai food

Reason 6: It's freaking delicious

"Fair enough. There are enough reasons to become vegan. But there is just nothing quite like the taste of meat." I might have agreed with you on this point just five years ago. But since then the plant-based products have become cheaper and more delicious and people have shared thousands of delicious vegan meal recipes. My favourite dish is still Curry with Tofu mixed with vegetables like beans and onions. But there are also countless recipes for vegan pizza, burgers, stew and of course also desserts. Since I became vegan my meals have varied more than before although there are technically less things to choose from. However, as a vegan you also have to be creative and experimental which will lead you to a big culinary adventure.

Delicious vegan thai food

You want to become a vegan. Now what?

Great you have decided to become vegan or maybe you start small with limiting or reducing your intake of animal products. This is admittedly a big change in your life and not only you but maybe also your partner, friends and family have to adopt. So how should you start with implementing all these dietary changes? I suggest you start small by leaving out one thing, like meat while still eating milk, eggs etc. This will ensure that you do not get overwhelmed and lose motivation quickly. Next, you should look for peers who also follow a vegan/vegetarian diet and start getting tips from the person or even cooking together. And finally inform yourself through a variety of book and online resources. A vegan diet requires correct supplementation and being informed about the health benefits of the vegan diet may further motivate you in your quest. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!



  • Well written!

    Author: Jonas Date: 1/3/2024
  • OMG it works!

    Author: Jonas Date: 1/3/2024
  • veggie fanboy

    Author: Romy Date: 1/5/2024